北米版「テイルズ オブ シンフォニア」でのセリフ(英語)。
So you've come, like moths to the flame!
Do you ever say anything original?
You gotta admit...that line is seriously cliched.
I see your attitudes haven't changed! But your impudence ends here! Prepare to die!
...Impossible! How could I lose?
Lloyd, your Exsphere...
to think that it's really evolving...
My Exsphere?
What's this shaking?!
Lloyd! Now's our chance! Let's take the Rhearids, now!
A...all right.
Sir! This earthquake! Could a mana like have been broken?
Possibly. Investigate the cause of this earthquake immediately!
What shall we do about the Rheairds?
It doesn't matter. Let them go. Our little friend can tell us where they are at any time.